Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teachers and Students who bully those with Allergies...

On Kare11 News, they mentioned how 1 in 4 students with Food allergies are bullied by teachers and students.  Just   Google Search: Teachers bullying students with food allergy and see what you get.

Here's an idea to solve that. How about we take all teachers and students who bully a student who has food allergies, and arrest them in front of their peers, and charge them openly with premeditated murder? I'd especially do this is they tried poisoning the food in their teasing. I would, of course, fire the teacher.

I'd have them go through a mock trial. I'd imprison them, and force them to stay in prison for an entire month. I would show no mercy. The students, of course, would end up in Juvenile Detention. I'd also fly them to where ever in the US, someone is in the hospital with a severe allergic reaction to a food they ate. I would have them see many people with reactions to food allergies...reactions that can't be missesd, like hives. All this is for a first time offender, where the victim was not physically harmed. If victim was physically harmed, I would make the trial real, and really charge them with premeditated murder.

What else could we do? This last one, would be considered cruel and inhumane, but I'd support it. Giving the teachers and students a shot of something that would give them gut ache but would not kill them. Only purpose is to make them feel what its like to have an allergy. I'd make them feel this daily for one full month, while in prison. I'd subject to them to harrassment. I'd torture them with food they hate. Limburger cheese comes to mind. You could even add a dash of horseradish and worcestershire sauce to it. I wouldn't poison them with drugs. I'd use food or other safe ingredient that has the same effect.

Okay, so what about preventing the bullying in the first place? Education helps. I think that all teachers, would be teachers, and students should be subjected to a film that illustrates the realities of food allergies and sensitivities. I would have experts explain the dangers of ignoring food sensitivities and food allergies. I would also bring in real people with their testimonies. I'd even support doing USA wide live streaming show on this. I'd also reshow this in the evening and get parents to watch it, if thats possible.

For the record, ignore a sensitivity to a particular food, and it could develop into anaphylaxis shock. Even though they like force that this is rare, it is not something to ignore and believe that it won't happen to you. It can. No, I'm not an alarmist. All I'm saying is that, we don't know who the rare individual is going to be. We also don't know when it might turn into anaphylaxis shock. So, you simply avoid the offending food item, but do not worry if you can't avoid it, or simply mess up. That is what you should come away with.

Also, anyone who has an allergy to a food item can die within five minutes of being infected. They are immediately given a shot from an epi-pen. This only buys time. They still must be rushed to the hospital. They could still die. It is not a joke. A teenager died because her boyfriend forgot he had ate peanuts. He wasn't even bullying her. What do you think a bully who is purposefully teasing with a food allergy can do? Kill. And it will be premeditated murder, because they KNEW about the allergy and KNEW that the person can die from it.

The bullying stems from 1) Fear of the unknown. 2) A failure to accept the truth. This is especially true about parents. Parents think that their child with the allergy is never going to have a "good life" so they try to tease the allergy out of the poor kid. It doesn't work. However, you might kill your child. I call such bullying Premeditated Murder. Why? If its an Allergy that is couple with anaphylaxic shock, then that is exactly the result they will have...blood on their hands, and a death unless the victim is given an epi-pen quickly enough, AND gotten to the hospital in a timely manner.

Fear of the unknown: The teachers who bully, might have been bullied too by their parents. Students who bully often are bullied at home. They often have low self-esteem and are afraid of what they don't understand. They lack confidence. Teachers can lack confidence too. 


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