Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Major Drawbacks of a Gluten Free Diet

What are the major drawbacks of a Gluten Free Diet? I offer you 7 ways GF can negatively impact you and what to do about it.

1) Eating out is a lesson in futility.
Rejoice! Many restaurants now have Gluten Free Menus!
Spit Bullets! Those Gluten Free Menus feature Road Kill on a Salad!

Monday, October 11, 2010

GF Dining at its Blandest... :P

Are you Vegan? Vegetarian? Allergic to Onion? And Gluten-Free? Welcome to the greatest feast on the planet of ROAD KILL. Sorry! Has it ever occurred to them that Vegan and Vegetarians are not immuned to food allergies and sensitivities? Of course not! By the way, hospitals and their Mental Health wards tend to believe that all mentally ill with food allergies are chronic liars and can eat meat, chicken and other road kill. The next time I get so treated at a hospital, I'm suing for millions of dollars. And, the only reason why I will lose is because
1) I didn't die, 
2) I have mental illness and
3) Every one knows that you can't get a fair trial if you have mental illness and live in my neck of the woods.

They also have a tendency to think that Celiacs have NO taste buds and don't appreciate good food. Or, they think that "Well, its not my problem you are that way. You should just be glad you have something to eat!" or "We don't have time! Its bad enough I even have to accommodate you at all." This is not necessarily the owner speaking, but often the staff. Managers tend to be fools in this area. Many waitresses I've had issues with...especially at one restaurant that got raving D reviews! 40 reviews of 1 star or less.

What can we do about it?

GF and Olive Garden

Olive Garden does NOT work for Celiacs with Onion allergy! They may also not work for Vegetarians. I forgot to ask if their marinara sauce has meat in it, but I don't think it does, based on one of the reviews. Anyone allergic to onion is better off avoiding all tomato sauces anyways. Fortunately, I still can tolerate 'spice' level of onion in most cases.  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Soy Controversy

The Claim about Men and Soy:
If Men truly became impotent or infertile from eating soy, then Why does Japan and China have one of the LARGEST populations on Earth? Obviously, their soy was spiked with infertility drugs!

The Claim:
Quote from Mrs. Gurd, [Full article: The soy controversy | Trusted.MD Network]

"Like all grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, soybeans have a phytate layer to stop the beans from sprouting unless there is adequate moisture and warmth. The phytate layer in soybeans is much thicker than in other grains and legumes and cannot be eliminated with soaking, sprouting or long slow cooking. This means that soybeans are very difficult to digest, and the phytic acid reduces assimilation of calcium, magnesium copper, iron and zinc."
The Truth: 
1) If this were true, then Japan and other Asianic countries would have an extremely high amount of people with osteoporosis because they would NOT get the calcium they needed. They consume more soy per meal then we Westerners consume per day. And, if you are on a typical Scandinavian diet, the Japanese would consume more soy in a typical day, then you would in a typical week.