Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teachers and Students who bully those with Allergies...

On Kare11 News, they mentioned how 1 in 4 students with Food allergies are bullied by teachers and students.  Just   Google Search: Teachers bullying students with food allergy and see what you get.

Here's an idea to solve that. How about we take all teachers and students who bully a student who has food allergies, and arrest them in front of their peers, and charge them openly with premeditated murder? I'd especially do this is they tried poisoning the food in their teasing. I would, of course, fire the teacher.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here's a thought: Blood test for Celiac Disease from Birth

Why not automatically test for Celiac Disease from Birth (Newborn Screening), and if the blood test indicates a good possibility, have the mother and baby both go on a gluten-free diet. Then, see how many children are diagnosed with Autism and see if the numbers go down mysteriously. I know, some think that Dairy may also be a cause. If there is a test that will test for Dairy intolerance that is fairly accurate, then fine, add this to the auto-testing as well.

An excellent article on this subject is Newborn Screening: Birth Right or Something to Fight? By Christopher Wanjek . Mr. Wanjek believes that it is better to screen then have the unfortunate outcome of crippled muscles and brain function.
QUOTE from Article:
Still, one can't help feel for Zachary Wyvill. He was born in April 2003 in an Oakland hospital that didn't test for an organic acid disorder called glutaric acidemia type I.
A second Zachary, Zachary Black, was born shortly later 60 miles away in a hospital that did screen for it. Zachary Black is living a healthy life as a result of a special diet and vitamins. Zachary Wyvill's disease went undetected for several months, and by that time the disease had become irreversible and has since crippled his muscles and brain function.
Testing millions of babies at a great cost? Treating sick children with severe brain and muscle damage at a great cost? Testing for diseases that cannot be cured? These are the profound questions surrounding newborn screening, not whether a pinprick on a baby's heel will induce an engram in its otherwise healthy thetan, as described in Dianetics.
 I agree. But, then again, maybe I am biased. I know what it is like to have Developmental Delay disorder. No one wants to marry me. I an considered an 'untouchable' where I live. I have very little friends - and people consider this normal. I hate your 'normal' with a passion. It makes for a very lonely life. I wish this on no one, even my most sworn enemies.

Anaphylactic shock, Food Sensitivities, and a Numbers Game

Anaphylactic Shock and Allergies:

Its my humble opinion, that one who goes into Anaphylactic Shock should probably avoid at all cost the offending food and NOT make exceptions. Surprising as it may seem, some parents do allow their child to have a little peanut treat, but only rarely. This in my view, is dangerous. One teenager died because she kissed her boyfriend. Her boyfriend forgot that he had ate something with peanuts earlier. Life is too valuable to worry about "Oh, my child feels so left out!" I don't care how left out your child feels, allowing suicide is idiotic! The teenagers were not purposefully suicidal. Her boyfriend was usually very careful, as was she. He supported her in her allergy. Depending on what foods cause you to go into shock it may be best to make everything from scratch. I would definately carry a Epi-pen at all times without failure, despite its need for refrigeration. The teen's story, only illustrates who important this is. It is a policy in almost all schools that any medical item that a student requires that is a drug or needle only be available IN the Nurses office. I would argue that in the case of an Epi-Pen, the Epi-Pen should be carried ON the Student at ALL times. Portable lunch bags with ice packs do work. Its fine to have a teacher administer the drug, but sometimes even this isn't fast enough.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Too many symptoms? All in your head?

If you have too many symptoms, too many things "wrong" with you, then you might want to try a Gluten-Free Diet. Most people will be diagnosed with IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and other auto-immune diseases before they will ever be diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Why? Most doctors are unaware that Celiac disease must be ruled out FIRST before another diagnosis can be found. This is my opinion that I base on too many people being misdiagnosed WHEN a simple test will for sure tell if someone has Celiac Disease or not. There is no test for IBS. Also, Alessia Fasano, M. D., believes that there may be a connection between Celiac Disease and other autoimmune disorders. Basically, that the other disorders are may come into existence because the patient was never tested for Celiac Disease.

Celiac Disease Insights: Clues to Solving Autoimmunity ", by Alessio Fasano, M.D.  published, by Scientific American Magazine, August 2009, says "Surprisingly, essentially the same trio—an environmental trigger, a genetic susceptibility and a “leaky gut”—seems to underlie other autoimmune disorders as well. This finding raises the possibility that new treatments for CD may also ameliorate other conditions." This hints strongly of a possible connection between Gluten intolerance and autoimmune disorders. Given the symptoms my mother has, I can see how her arthritis may be connected to a gluten intolerance. I strongly believe that my mother needs to go on a Gluten-Free diet. It may actually reverse her diarrhea, but may not reverse her crippling arthritis. Her fingers are bent and her hands hurt her. The problem is convincing her that she actually ingests gluten in foods other than pasta and bread. She thinks the Pasta and bread is the only source of Gluten.  She also has gluten every time she goes to the coffee shop, which is 2 to 3 times a week.

Cleiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac Organization 
Celiac News

Please read on, for more information.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Keep meds refrigerated on the Go with little $

I would try the following method:
Put one cooler lunch bag inside of another lunch bag, with ice packets separating the two bags. Also, put ice packets on TOP of the inner bag. Cold travels downwards. To prevent the med from freezing, I would put a thin towel between the med and the ice packet.

Also, aluminum foil acts as a good insulator. It can help keep heat out or in. You can wrap the med/towel/ice packet bundle in the aluminum foil. I am not sure if its shiny side IN or shiny side OUT. I forget. Sorry! I used to wrap my hot pizza in aluminum foil, and then try to eat it on the bus in the short amount of time I had before I got to work in the wee hours of the morning. I found that the pizza stayed very hot, especially when I folded the pizza over itself, with the crust on the outside so that it resembled a Calzone. Sp?

Leaky-Gut Syndrome

Have you been told that you have IBS or Leaky Gut Syndrome, or may be at high risk? What if you are also Diabetic? What if you can't keep road kill down?

One of the top priorities on my plate, is creating a diet that works for people just like you! Why? I have came to realize that my doctor may be right and that I should go gluten free sooner then I was planning on it. He did understand  my reasonings for not going gluten free. There is too many vegetables that I can not eat. However, if one were to go on a low fiber diet, as well as be gluten free, and animal and dairy free, that would limit ones food choices by a huge amount!

Below, I will list all the foods I find that are considered GOOD for a Vegan, gluten-free, low fiber diet. This list will NOT include foods to be avoided, as there is a very complete list on Scott Adams' site, Unsafe-Gluten-Free-Food-List-Unsafe-Ingredients Copyrighted list by Scott Adams.

Also, for Drugs:
Gluten-Free Drug List

The list I create will include only Whole foods, and not processed foods, nor foods that combine other foods, such as soups. As such, those who want to buy a prepackaged food item from the store, will want to go to the site, whose link is above, and search for the Safe Gluten Free Food List, as it will be more complete then the list I give below.

Oats: Safe or Unsafe?  It has been determined that MOST Celiac's do not have an adverse reaction to Oats as long as it is a Gluten-free Oat. This means that company that produces the Oats do not cross-contaminate with other grains.

I will only give my own testimony on this. I have mild GI to Oats. Oats feel like glue in my stomach, so I avoid Oats.

[NOTE: I am still creating this list, and will add the list to this post as soon as I am finished!]

 I am creating the list in an Excel file so that I can alphabetize the list. I hope to get this list posted in the next two weeks. Thank you!

.ps I plan on including ALL whole foods, by category whether it be a Fruit, Vegetable (or fruit used as a vegetable will go in both lists), grain, and so on. This list will also be cross-posted on my recipe blog, but on my recipe blog it will have a slightly different presentation as I will use the list to help others create new recipes. Thanks!

"Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes" book and review

One Caveat: I do not ordinarily write reviews of books, nor do I claim to be very good at it. However, the short of it is BUY THE BOOK! Now if you wish, you can skip the below. If you have any health issues, BUY the book! In his book, there has been some suggestion that for Rheumatoid Arthristis, heart disease, and diabetes can be helped by a Vegan diet. Prostate cancer may even be linked to milk and probably the Dairy protein.  All information from the book is copyrighted by Dr. Barnard, and NOT me. His book is written in an easy to read format and research format.

"Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes" by Dr. Neal Barnard is number one book for combating Diabetes. I have not found a better book because all books I have read have been Pro-Animal. This is the first book I found that was Pro-Research and Pro-Science and Truth behind the research.

I can NOT recommend this book ENOUGH! My own unscientific research on Diabetes has led me to believe that the recommended diet for Diabetics is one big piece of Sika (Finnish). English please! Okay, its a big piece of Dirty Pig. Reason? They NEVER studied a Vegan or a Vegetarian diet. They just arbitrarily came up with some theories, and then wrote diets based on those theories with limited research on alternative diets. I'd even venture to guess that MOST research on Diabeties has been Pro-Meat and Anti-vegan. My research? Okay, so even I did not put anyone on a Vegan Diet.