Many people have an interest in YOUR life.
Most of these people want to extract as much money from you as they can get!
This includes many big businesses who pay for slanted research for their own gain.
I hope to find articles and links that will get the word out about what really is healthy for you.
I will not be professing an alternative holistic lifestyle.
What I will profess, is the truth about Diet, Diabeties, and Research.
I do not make money directly nor indirectly from anything written here, until I put ads on this blog. Period!
I will not ever accept payment from drug companies who would rather see you eat meat and kill your kidneys because thats how they make money. More meds! This does not mean that I am against drugs. I think that some people do need to be on medicine. I believe balance is better than radicalism.
I will not support the Food and Drug Administration as they REFUSE to allow foods to be considered as healers, as they insist that only drugs can heal. [The truth is that foods can prevent your needing a drug, but we can't legally tell you that either. See Cheerio's box and it historical FDA Ruling.]
I'll edit this from time to time.