Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leaky-Gut Syndrome

Have you been told that you have IBS or Leaky Gut Syndrome, or may be at high risk? What if you are also Diabetic? What if you can't keep road kill down?

One of the top priorities on my plate, is creating a diet that works for people just like you! Why? I have came to realize that my doctor may be right and that I should go gluten free sooner then I was planning on it. He did understand  my reasonings for not going gluten free. There is too many vegetables that I can not eat. However, if one were to go on a low fiber diet, as well as be gluten free, and animal and dairy free, that would limit ones food choices by a huge amount!

Below, I will list all the foods I find that are considered GOOD for a Vegan, gluten-free, low fiber diet. This list will NOT include foods to be avoided, as there is a very complete list on Scott Adams' site, Unsafe-Gluten-Free-Food-List-Unsafe-Ingredients Copyrighted list by Scott Adams.

Also, for Drugs:
Gluten-Free Drug List

The list I create will include only Whole foods, and not processed foods, nor foods that combine other foods, such as soups. As such, those who want to buy a prepackaged food item from the store, will want to go to the site, whose link is above, and search for the Safe Gluten Free Food List, as it will be more complete then the list I give below.

Oats: Safe or Unsafe?  It has been determined that MOST Celiac's do not have an adverse reaction to Oats as long as it is a Gluten-free Oat. This means that company that produces the Oats do not cross-contaminate with other grains.

I will only give my own testimony on this. I have mild GI to Oats. Oats feel like glue in my stomach, so I avoid Oats.

[NOTE: I am still creating this list, and will add the list to this post as soon as I am finished!]

 I am creating the list in an Excel file so that I can alphabetize the list. I hope to get this list posted in the next two weeks. Thank you!

.ps I plan on including ALL whole foods, by category whether it be a Fruit, Vegetable (or fruit used as a vegetable will go in both lists), grain, and so on. This list will also be cross-posted on my recipe blog, but on my recipe blog it will have a slightly different presentation as I will use the list to help others create new recipes. Thanks!

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