Legal Note

The research and quotes cited in this journal will be FIXED O_o to include the correct sources ASAP.  Some quotes I remembered reading, but have not found where I read those quotes at. When I did this research, I was not intending to blog it. Thus, I had poor notes. My apologies in advance to the original authors. Only Mary Enig has gotten the credit that I like to give people. O_o Again, my sincerest apologies. I shall fix this as soon as time allows.

ps. did research on defunct computer so history isn't helping me. :P

What am I claiming copyright to?
1) I am ONLY claiming copyright to my own opinions and to the title of this blog.
2) I am also claiming copyright to anything else here, that I can legally claim copyright to, and not one word or diacritical mark more.

3) All quotes of others, all excerpts are the copyright of their perspective owners, and I claim no copyright whatsoever. And, no copyright infringement is intended nor wanted. This blog is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.

Thank You!

Nothing contained anywheres on this blog, or any of my other blogs or my other websites is intended to treat or cure a disease. I am not a doctor and nothing I say is to replace the opinions you get from your doctor or other specialist. I strive for 100% accuracy but as new information is proven in the Scientific Community, information found here might be outdated, despite our best efforts to stay on top of the latest truths.

However, be aware that MOST doctors are NOT versed in Vegan diets and MOST doctors do NOT understand how a Vegan diet can be better for Diabetics. They have NOT read Dr. Neal Barnard's book and most likely will refuse to read the research paper that Dr. Barnard and his colleagues have done. Also, too many Allergy Specialists are refusing recognize Allergies or Sensitivities to rare foods because they think it is too rare for them to being seeing such a patient. Some of these Doctors might not be communicating effectively the fact that one might be having a intolerance symptom instead of an allergy symptom and that one should still avoid the food.