Thursday, May 20, 2010

NO Cinnamon as a preservative please!

I'm VERY allergic! If food companies start using cinnamon as a preservative, I'll die only because I won't have anything left to eat! I can't keep my blood sugars up without carbs. I'm a Vegetarian who needs carbs from some source.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good Oils vs. Bad Oils

I was going to rewrite this article but some sources mysteriously disappeared from the internet. So, please excuse the rambling.

All Oils listed below is the REFINED version except where noted! The smoking point is in parenthesis. 

Extra Light Olive Oil  (460 F)
Brown Rice Oil, refined? (450 F)
Almond Oil (495 F)
Avocado (450 F)
Cold Pressed Avocado/unrefined (500 F)
Grapeseed (485 F)
High Oleic Peanut Oil(450 F)
Safflower (450 F)
Sesame ( 445 F)
High Oleic Sunflower (450 F)
Sunflower expeller pressed (460 F)

First cold-press Olive oil smokes at 325 F. So, I wouldn't put this in a fryer! However, I have fried things in it to get a crispy Faux Chicken in a Wok and had no issues with smoking. I was also using a burner that is about 10,000 BTU.

With all the controversy over Oils, which Oils are really good for you and which are really bad for you? The short of it, Olive Oil and Coconut Oil is good for you, and Canola Oil really is bad. Why? Even Canadian researchers, where Canola Oil is made, has found that Canola depletes Vitamin E levels too a dangerous amount, and has killed laboratory animals. Olive Oil destroys LDL and raised HDL. Coconut Oil actually protects against heart disease.

Resources I've linked to, when writing this article. I highly recommend reading these articles in their entirety, as they provide much more information than what I have done here. And no, I do not believe everything I read and I am NOT a homeopathic!
Michael Babcock,
The Oiling of America Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon. HIGHLY recommended as it proves my point concerning biased research and biased governments.

Allergic to fish? Try Olive Oil!

Some Spanish researchers have found that Olive Oil works almost as good as fish oil in lowering Colon cancer risks, and helps fight Breast Cancer. Because Colon cancer runs heavily in my family (both my father and his grandfather), I use Olive Oil in many things. Researchers suggest that 2 TB daily of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is the most helpful.

Great Medical site for Medical Research News:
Breast Cancer Article: Medical News Today

Medical News Today

More of my Ruminations on detoxification diets and on diabetes and biased research:

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Go Vegan and Save a Kidney! The Kidney you save may well be your own! However, IF you have had heart surgery, then you MUST keep Fish in your diet because you most likely will NOT absorb Vitamin B12 from Synthetic sources and Nutritional Yeast won't give you enough B12.

I am NOT lying! Many people who are Diabetics and stayed TRUE to the PRESCRIBED DIABETIC ASSOCIATION'S DIET became stricken with Kidney Disease! We Vegetarians have been trying to get researchers to tell us the truth about a Vegan diet and what HARM it will do to our bodies. NO ONE would come forward! Finally, one group of researchers did do this. 1/3 control, 1/3 Vegan, 1/3 on the Diabetics Killer diet that almost ALL doctors insist is the ONLY diet to use!

The Results:
Many people on the ONLY DIET TO USE had Kidney damage.
NO ONE on the VEGAN DIET had Kidney damage!


Mary Enig vs. The Food Giants

Please read it and the entire article at its original Source.
The Oiling of America: Congress ©Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon 

UPDATE: The link is no longer a valid link. Even though I disagree with much of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I did find the article to be very well done. For proof of how good a Vegan Diet is, just see any Diabetic that worked with Dr. Neal Barnard and got to use the Vegan diet in his study. The Foundation is NOT Vegan nor is it Vegetarian. The whole point of reading this article is to be aware of how people lie and try to hush the truth about foods. People tend to benefit from research results that favor their original Hypothesis. Liars will always get caught in the end. Good research is really THE Key to Better Healthy Living.

THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM MARY ENIG'S ARTICLE BECAUSE I FEEL IT SHOULD BE MANDATORY READING! I only post it here to help get the word out. This is NOT the entire article, as I believe its apart of a much larger work. NO copyright infringement is intended, nor implied.

*** THE QUOTED ARTICLE "The Oiling of America" Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon ***

The Food Giants Fight Back

Enig's paper sent alarm bells through the industry. In early 1979, she received a visit from S. F. Reipma of the National Association of Margarine Manufacturers. Reipma was visibly annoyed. He explained that both his association and the Institute for Shortening and Edible Oils (ISEO) kept careful watch to prevent articles like Enig's from appearing in the literature. Enig's paper should never have been published, he said. He thought that ISEO was "watching out."

"We left the barn door open," he said, "and the horse got out."

Reipma also challenged Enig's use of the USDA data, claiming that it was in error. He knew it was in error, he said, "because we give it to them."