Thursday, February 23, 2012

To Allow or Not to Allow, that is the Question

Should we ban abortions after 21 days because the heart is beating and in a living person if the heart is beating, then the person isn't really considered dead? Or should we ban vasectomies for men because if we are going to ban women from doing something then we should be fair and ban men too?

Why don't we, while we are at it, ban drunks who kill while driving and just convict them of premeditated murder? And, while we are at it, why don't we add an amendment that bans pedophiles from not getting vasectomies? Then, perhaps we can ban bad parents from being bad parents?

Seriously, the heart beats at 18 days old. A person outside of the womb whose heart is beating is very much considered alive. I find it funny that if connected to another person, that person is not alive and is considered dead such that an abortion is not murder. If I were to take "Bethany" who is connected to "Alice" and kill Bethany, it is murder because you can touch and feel Bethany on the outside of Alice. They are joined together, surely. But, so is a so-called blob of cells inside the mother. It just happens to have a beating heart.

So why are we so against the rights of children? Why are we so for murder of anything that we can't physically abuse and scream at just because it is inside someones stomach? If I were to perform surgery and take out an appendix that did not really need removing, it would be subject to scrutiny and I would be under consideration of being fired. This is assuming that the victim wanted me to remove it. But, if I remove something that is living, beating, but is attached to a tube, then it is not murder unless it is a person attached to a feeding tube in a hospital whose brain and heart is very much alive even if the person is a vegetable.

Is the world really over-populated? We produce more food then we can eat and refuse to send our overage overseas because we are too rich and thick in the head. We are not overpopulated. We have the means to run entire cities on alternative energy and yet we rich refuse to put such technologies on our skyscrapers. I call this technology the gyro-turbine. I forget its actual name. Sorry, this is a sore spot with me that I've been unable to correct for many years! We have many people who are homeless because those of us who have do not give a rip out those who do not have. 75% or more of those homeless have mental illness - a throw back to the days when we let them out of insane asylum hospitals (that was bad!) and insisted that its better to turn our backs on them then to house them.

We have many parents waiting in line to adopt babies but not enough babies to go around for those who can not have children of their own. We are too busy murdering these babies by calling them blobs. They are fetuses whose heart beats at the age of 18 days old! These blobs are human beings. Yes, I do support the allowance of vasectomies for men. And yes, that whole bill to ban vasectomies was a ploy to keep the murder of infants legal no matter how much of that infant is alive. I am so sick and tired of women who have unwanted pregnancies murdering there babies after the heart is beating that I would like to force them to get fixed so they can never ever have another kid again! EVER!

Why not? They don't want them anyways so why let them get pregnant only to have them murder again? And no, I do not buy the argument that the unwanted child once born is going to be abused and murdered at the hands of an abusive mother. Wanted children are abused by foolish parents who refused to get help for PTSD! If you argument really had merit, then we'd have to do something drastic in the "death of something" department, to these foolish parents as well. We can't force these parents to have vasectomies and the likes.

Even Roe and Wade are against abortion! Why can't we join them?

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