Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rant Warning! Rated G: The CPI is archaic and doesn't work!

 The CPI (Consumer Price Index) is STILL using LAST YEARS data to determine our FUTURE cost of living! I didn't get an increase LAST year either. Why? Same arrogant ignorant reasoning! This is an outdated formula that has never worked! Sure, going gluten free has made my noodle cost go through the roof by 75% more. Huge loss of income unless I switch to white rice. How many "caucausian" Americans do you know who LOVE eating rice everyday? Gas prices have gone up, or haven't they noticed? Food prices will go up in January, and not just for the newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease! And RENT ALWAYS goes up EVERY YEAR! Why? Landlords will ALWAYS give themselves a cost of living increase based on greed and never reality. Can I afford it? No! However, the Government is only one of the main reasons why I started Allergic Vegetarian   website. The Landlord was the other reason. And the third reason?

It was always a plan of mine that if I had to go on disability, I'd use that disability money to self teach me a skill that I could use to work for myself given my own uniqueness. By the way, I did work for over 18 years before getting on disability. Thats quite a feat given that I have Developmental Delay Disorder and can't always know something one minute that I knew the minute before. I have to over learn everything in order to get it to "stick". I also managed to graduate from College with a BS in Social Science, where I was diagnosed with DDD. It took me 12 years to get to where I am today.  Those were very long 12 years. Thats how long it took me to find my talent and to learn Web design well enough, so I could start my own website.

Where is the government? Hiding their heads in the sand so they do not hear the truth about what it is like to live in America! And, bailing out the Rich, so they can keep their luxury houses in  St. Johns, Jupiter Island, and Palm Beach! After all, they must pay the ones who funds their large oversized campaigns to stay in public office.

Concerning unemployment and strategies to combat it:
Mr. Donald Trump is one of the few people I actually respect. He's trying to make more millionaires. Several people in Hollywood are trying to get more inventions off the ground so that more jobs can be created! What is the government doing? Bailing out Rich companies who will NEVER hire more people! And, sticking to old formulas to determine Social Security payments! They would do better to pay start up cost for inventions and small companies to get off the ground BUT use established Business owners with Common Sense to determine who gets helped and who doesn't. We all know that the government is not the one for this job.

Do I need start up money? No! I actually designed it that way. However, I am gambling balancing Bandwidth usage spikes with not being on a dedicated server and a flat rate cost of service thats affordable on my income. Its conceivable that my website, once finished, could have a huge gathering overnight, and require me to move site to a dedicated server, put ads on all before I have the money to make that move. The company that hosts my website, however, is very good with Bandwidth, so I'm not concerned. Its also conceivable that my website only gets token amount of visitors and never gets the amount of traffic needed for me to get off of disability. If so, I'll just save my money until I can hire a programmer to create a Social network addition to my website. I just can't afford that right now. 

Will this post ever get moved to the new site? No. Thanks for letting me vent! :D

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