Monday, December 20, 2010

Allergies and Intolerances and why you should take BOTH seriously!

Many people I've talked to have found their intolerances have changed to full blown anaphylactic shock. This is the only reason why you need to take your intolerances seriously. You may go into shock without warning and without an Epi-pen handy.

But what about traveling and having to eat out? I can only concur with you as to why you would eat what you should not eat. I, admittedly, do this all the time (every Friday). But, I'm dining out with a 93 yr. old Grandma who lives in a city that does not have a Vegan, GF restaurant that I can eat at. And she can't go very far either. I eat what I can, and make sure my epi-pen is handy.

Social Events, its a Party! I have to give in! They'll look at me funny, or give me all these snide remarks? If you think they are looking at you funny now, just wait until you have a full blown anaphylactic attack, especially if it kills you or causes you to double over in pain.

Yes, the Peanut Gallery can be evil sometimes. But, so can those who insist that its an 'allergy' but I can have only 'just one'. They already think that we who die from allergies are being melodramatic and are complete liars! We really need to come together here. Yes, we DO need to get them to learn to take ALL Allergies AND Intolerances seriously! I had a reaction to radish. I thought I was only intolerant of it, even though I called it an allergy. I did not have an Epi-pen. I had to rush to Walgreens and get Wal-dryl. I had to pray and take my inhaler. I survived it, as it was a 'milder' allergic reaction. Had it have been a degree worse, I would have been calling Emergency and not going to the party that afternoon.

In conclusion, those with intolerances needs to take their intolerances seriously and not eat them. And, we need to agree to stop calling intolerances an allergy, especially if you eat them anyways. I'd even take this one step further. If you are going to eat what you are intolerant of, then may I suggest you stop calling them anything? I'm having enough issues trying to get people to believe us that we can get very sick if we have 'just one'. We need to ban together and create companies that cater to those with food allergies and sensitivities. We need to ban together to educate the world, one person at a time. We need to ban together to create allergy free zones. We need to ban together to create products that makes living in a world that could kill us, less lethal. And yes, if we were all start wearing gloves, then those with peanut and tree nut allergies even if they touch the protein, would not feel different if they have to wear gloves to avoid the protein. Truthfully, they just learn not to touch anything. I did. Its hard to do, and I do fail many times. I'm allergic to alcohol and some unknown antibiotic if it touches blood, so can't always use the soaps in public restaurants.

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