Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mary Enig vs. The Food Giants

Please read it and the entire article at its original Source.
The Oiling of America: Congress ©Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon 

UPDATE: The link is no longer a valid link. Even though I disagree with much of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I did find the article to be very well done. For proof of how good a Vegan Diet is, just see any Diabetic that worked with Dr. Neal Barnard and got to use the Vegan diet in his study. The Foundation is NOT Vegan nor is it Vegetarian. The whole point of reading this article is to be aware of how people lie and try to hush the truth about foods. People tend to benefit from research results that favor their original Hypothesis. Liars will always get caught in the end. Good research is really THE Key to Better Healthy Living.

THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM MARY ENIG'S ARTICLE BECAUSE I FEEL IT SHOULD BE MANDATORY READING! I only post it here to help get the word out. This is NOT the entire article, as I believe its apart of a much larger work. NO copyright infringement is intended, nor implied.

*** THE QUOTED ARTICLE "The Oiling of America" Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon ***

The Food Giants Fight Back

Enig's paper sent alarm bells through the industry. In early 1979, she received a visit from S. F. Reipma of the National Association of Margarine Manufacturers. Reipma was visibly annoyed. He explained that both his association and the Institute for Shortening and Edible Oils (ISEO) kept careful watch to prevent articles like Enig's from appearing in the literature. Enig's paper should never have been published, he said. He thought that ISEO was "watching out."

"We left the barn door open," he said, "and the horse got out."

Reipma also challenged Enig's use of the USDA data, claiming that it was in error. He knew it was in error, he said, "because we give it to them."

A few weeks later, Reipma paid a second visit, this time in the company of Thomas Applewhite, an advisor to the ISEO and representative of Kraft Foods, Ronald Simpson with Central Soya and an unnamed representative from Lever Brothers. They carried with them—in fact, waved them in the air in indignation—a two-inch stack of newspaper articles, including one that appeared in the National Enquirer, reporting on Enig's Federation Proceedings article. Applewhite's face flushed red with anger when Enig repeated Reipma's statement that "they had left the barn door open and a horse got out," and his admission that Department of Agriculture food data had been sabotaged by the margarine lobby.

The other thing Reipma told Enig during his unguarded visit was that he had called in on the FASEB offices in an attempt to coerce them into publishing letters to refute her paper, without allowing Enig to submit any counter refutation as was normally customary in scientific journals. He told Enig that he was "thrown out of the office"—an admission later confirmed by one of the FASEB editors. Nevertheless, a series of letters did follow the July 1978 article.16 On behalf of the ISEO, Applewhite and Walter Meyer of Procter and Gamble criticized Enig's use of the data; Applewhite accused Enig of extrapolating from two data points, when in fact she had used seven. In the same issue, John Bailar, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, pointed out that the correlations between vegetable oil consumption and cancer were not the same as evidence of causation and warned against changing current dietary components in the hopes of preventing cancer in the future—which is of course exactly what the McGovern Committee did.

In reply, Enig and her colleagues noted that although the NCI had provided them with faulty cancer data, this had no bearing on the statistics relating to trans consumption, and did not affect the gist of their argument—that the correlation between vegetable fat consumption, especially trans fat consumption, was sufficient to warrant a more thorough investigation. The problem was that very little investigation was being done.

University of Maryland researchers recognized the need for more research in two areas. One concerned the effects of trans fats on cellular processes once they are built into the cell membrane. Studies with rats, including one conducted by Fred Mattson in 1960, indicated that the trans fatty acids were built into the cell membrane in proportion to their presence in the diet, and that the turnover of trans in the cells was similar to that of other fatty acids. These studies, according to J. Edward Hunter of the ISEO, were proof that "trans fatty acids do not pose any hazard to man in a normal diet." Enig and her associates were not so sure. Kummerow's research indicated that the trans fats contributed to heart disease, and Kritchevsky—whose early experiments with vegetarian rabbits were now seen to be totally irrelevant to the human model—had found that trans fatty acids raise cholesterol in humans.17 Enig's own research, published in her 1984 doctoral dissertation, indicated that trans fats interfered with enzyme systems that neutralized carcinogens and increased enzymes that potentiated carcinogens.18"'

*** END OF THE QUOTED ARTICLE "The Oiling of America" Written by Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon ***


I feel its time that we stop being silenced and that the truth about Food is allowed to be published and that those who do biased research and try to hush up the facts, should lose their Degrees, their jobs, and pay a $10 Billion fine! Why $10 Billion? These companies are making 100's of Billions of dollars to kill America and the rest of the world! Sometimes, innocent people actually lose theirs lives. You can not put a price tag on a life. Its time we fought back! Many Diabetics have Kidney disease because of these companies and their biased research. At least one of these companies, Kraft, funds the Diabetic Association.

They have been pushing Animal Meat for good health for years. They also have been lying for years. How many people do you know that are blind, or have died from complications from Diabeties? I know of too many people. Uncle, Aunt, former Client, Actor, and a Friend. 2 of these people are dead! All of these people were ON the Diabetic's Association PREFERRED Diet for Diabeteics, and where told that this was THE DIET THEY must be on for their health. NONE of their doctors (to my knowledge, this includes the Actor), has EVER discussed a Vegan diet and the health benefits of Soy protein! Truth is, my friend loved his meat, so gladly ate the meat.

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