Sunday, May 16, 2010

Allergic to fish? Try Olive Oil!

Some Spanish researchers have found that Olive Oil works almost as good as fish oil in lowering Colon cancer risks, and helps fight Breast Cancer. Because Colon cancer runs heavily in my family (both my father and his grandfather), I use Olive Oil in many things. Researchers suggest that 2 TB daily of EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is the most helpful.

Great Medical site for Medical Research News:
Breast Cancer Article: Medical News Today

Medical News Today

More of my Ruminations on detoxification diets and on diabetes and biased research:

Detoxification/Holistic websites: Many of these sites will have information about the health benefits of various foods and detox diets. HOWEVER, I CAUTION do not try ANY special diet without a TRAINED Dietician AND your Physician working together, especially if you have many health issues like me. Any detox diet done wrong or too many times can do irreparable harm and could be lethal. Why? It severely alters the healthy good bacteria balance and electrolytes in the body.

How do I know these things? Much research done reading what others have found, and comparing what others have said about that research, to get a sense of the integrity of the research that was done. I try to avoid all research done in the way they found that Mustard causes cancer. I'm sorry, but if you feed Mice ONLY mustard, of course they are going to contract cancer! Doh! Where are the balanced diets? Fools!

BE AWARE! If you have Diabetes, I can guarantee you that MOST research on food and diet in your favor is a big fat LIE! And no, I do not trust the American Diabetes Association any more. For starters, they have been saying the the VEGAN diet CAN NOT cure Diabeties PERIOD, and therefore is not recommended and have been actively PUSHING a pro-animal diet, which has been found to cause damage to Kidneys. Actually, I heard of 2 people who were ordered off of insulin while on a VEGAN diet! Also I lost a friend to the anti-vegan diet. I have an Aunt, and Uncle and had a friend who had major health issues (due to following the ADA diet). All 3 of them are going blind. Also, if you note who their high $$$ givers are, Medicine Companies and Kraft! Since when did Kraft push a Vegan diet? Biased!

Most of the researchers, if not all, are meat eaters raised on the philosophy that the best diet is a non-Vegan diet, given the lack of B12 (also a lie, in today's food market). Any research that PETA publishes is automatically considered a lie by meat eaters, and vice versa.

However, my own personal experience has taught that only a VEGAN diet is best for MOST Diabetics. The exceptions? Soy and Nut allergies or those who can't eat vegies, or green vegies should NOT go Vegan. I've lost friends due to complications of the Diabetic Associations Recommended Diet. No thanks! There diet has been found by one research team to DAMAGE the Kidneys. Be aware that even though a WELL-BALANCED VEGAN diet may result in your Doctor ordering you off of Insulin, NOT ALL Diabetics will be so fortunate, to be able to get rid of the shots. Many Diabetics have found that the Vegan diet helped stabilize their sugars betters, and kept their numbers closer to target.

B12 is found in nutritionist yeast, and is fortified in many food products. It is VERY easy to get B12 in a Vegan diet! My SmartWater© Orange drink contains B12!

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Oz is wrong! Olive Oil IS stable when cooked! I found research on which oils are bad if reused AFTER cooking, and Olive Oil did NOT contain harmful substances like the other oils did.

    However, some sites recommend only cooking with Light Olive Oil and not the better First Cold Press Olive Oils. Light Olive Oil's smoking point is at least 450 F. I forget what First Cold Press Olive Oil's smoking point is, but I do have that information in another article on this site. I thought it was in this article, but I'm not seeing it.
