And, those new food laws now require ALL manufacturers to print clearly on their food and drink labels every item contained in those food or drink products! April Fools!
Seriously, food allergies are no laughing matter. Its too bad that the Republicans don't care if we people with food allergies live or die! They have been the ones to vote against us knowing whats in our foods! What makes matter worse, is that some of these republicans have the audacity to claim that Jesus is their God! Jesus was never about killing. HE was about healing. He was about telling the truth. Its too bad that the republican believers think that to honor and worship Jesus means to tell white lies of omission about what is in our food. I am not talking about just the foods that contain "veggie broth". I'm talking about all foods that label "spice" or simply don't mention the broccoli, radish, cabbage, and so on. 1 in 250 people still have a rare food allergy, but because our population is now higher, that number has gone up.
Why should you care? When you become violently ill from something you natural avoid because you just "don't like it", may you know what I'm talking about without actually dying or landing in the hospital. A rare allergy does not always result in anaphylactic shock, but can without warning. Asthma, burning sensations, tighting of the chest, severe stomach cramps... all indicate an allergy. These also indicate that you should be aware and avoid that food at all cost. However, depending on what that particular food item is, you might not be able to avoid it unless you eat Organic Vegan with nothing coming out of a can or preprocessed. I've said it many times that "veggie broth" can contain 13 not mentioned items, with the 14th item being the mentioned "soy". Is it a coincidence that their is 13 items not mentioned? I'm not superstitious, but I do wonder why they couldn't mention the other 13 items on that label? Besides, only 2 of those 14 items can be IN the veggie broth. Any 2 as the government doesn't care which 2 as long as its only 2. I would at least know which cheaper cans of tuna didn't contain what I couldn't eat. I don't eat Tuna anymore. I went mostly Vegan because of the Tuna sickness I had. I only trust Salmon these days - fresh. However, because my sister is allergic to fish, I am Vegan.
Problem is that laws aren't to be written for me. They should be written for ALL people with food allergies. That means its a moot point whether I eat tuna or not, because I can guarantee you that other people do eat Tuna. What about soups? They are notorious for being under documented. I do, however, feel sorry for the person who reacts to the entire Mustard and Cabbage family, is Vegan and Gluten Free. "Step right up folks! Get yur Road Kill on yur Salad! Compleeeetely Gluuuuten Freeee!"
Yes, another one of my pet peeves is that restaurants and manufacturers think that all GF people eat meat and lots of it. I'm actually borderline anaphylactic. It takes a tiny drop to make me sick. I'm also GF and Vegan. And yes, most people are not like me. They might have to avoid the mustard, but can have the radish, cabbage, broccoli, and so on. I can't. When is the last time I ate out and had a real tasty, balanced meal? ROFL Arguably, Old Country Buffet is somewhat balanced, but not Vegan. I do eat their pan fried fish because its a protein source that pretends to keep my blood sugars balanced. Only reason why too! I HATE their pan fish. Tasteless, dry piece of crap. Sometimes they do it right and it actually isn't dry, but still... white fish is flavorless. Give me Salmon anyday! What else do I eat there? Mash Potatoes (which might contain some gluten, but I didn't want to know because I didn't want to find another thing on my don't eat list.) The potatoe do give me some nourishment and carbs. However, if some kind soul slops the gravy in the mashed potatoes, then I have to skip it. As that would be meat source. Then their is the salads. I have to make my own so that I get only what I can eat. Yep, you got to love being onion free! I don't mind. My salads are very tasty! So yes, at Old Country Buffet, I do get some tasty items, however I'm bored with them. No variety! I envy other people. Sorry Lord! Its true!
And then their is the arrogantly ignorant Noodles and company. I wrote them trying to get them to come up with a gluten free spice combo. Their response? :P Thats the shorter version as I don't have their exact words and don't want to misquote them. Basically it was something like, we believe we have lots of options for people. I get plain Rice Noodles with cheese (non-vegan) and then sneak my own spices on it, with their mushrooms (2 orders for flavor), red bell peppers (when I can afford it) and maybe tofu (when I'm really rich). The final cost is $4 more than any meat eater NON-Allergic person pays! I HATE BEING CHARGED EXTRA BECAUSE I HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES! They should be able to give me flavor without me having to add a whopping amount of veggies just to get flavor!
The other day, I brought in my Bragg's Liquid Amino and made my boring rice noodles into an asian dish with their mushrooms. That was very good and tasty. They could NEVER figure out how to make that! It would require something callled BRAINS! I respect theirs rights to be ignorantly anti-vegan, but please, we vegan people with food allergies DO exist and are not MORONS WHO DON'T NEED BALANCED MEALS WITH FLAVOR! To say I'm tired of being discriminated against is an understatement. And no, living in Minnesota is NOT a valid excuse! I do NOT live in Farm country! That would be North Dakota outside of Fargo. Fargo does lack option as its hickville. I've been there. I've also been to Wisconsin. All of Wisconsin that I'VE been too (which is almost half the state), would be considered Farm country or small town where we don't know what a Vegan is. I didn't expect accomodation there either. However, now that I'm GF, I won't even go there as I'd have nothing I could eat that would stay down without giving me "I ate gluten" pains. By they way, its because of my many unusual food allergies that I still eat fish depending on where I'm at, and what is available. I do not have the luxury to commit suicide at a restaurant by being "pro-vegan". And, believe me, it would be suicidal. I've yet to find a hospital who can handle my food allergies. My blood sugar crashes badly, sugar doesn't do it for longer than 5 minutes. I get rushed to hospital. They feed me. I die. Tempting yes, but no. Lord has better plans for me. Maybe I can figure out how to make money being the resident Food Allergy Squeaky Wheel. I was going to say the B word, but as I don't really like to swear, I won't.
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