Monday, December 20, 2010

Allergies and Intolerances and why you should take BOTH seriously!

Many people I've talked to have found their intolerances have changed to full blown anaphylactic shock. This is the only reason why you need to take your intolerances seriously. You may go into shock without warning and without an Epi-pen handy.

Today's Post concerns Healthy Attitudes...

Yes, we brains do not grow on trees, but instead in pedigrees. Blue blood is the only class who is smartest, wisest, craftiest, whatever'est! Right? Oh yes! We commoners may be able to make more money them, out perform them in IQ test, have more brain cells then they do, have more fruit on our wise trees then they do and so on. But, of course they are the true Best because of Genes. Yep, genes I say. It is genes that determines how racist, sexist, prejudicist, discriminatory and foolish you can be. Only Blue Blood can teach that pedigree matters and everyone else should just suffer with polishing their shoes. Get real! Kate may technically come from a history of working for prejucist people, but it does not make her a commoner. Commoner status should have left England long ago, when the original Blue Bloods died!

As long as we promote Class discrimination and prejudice, we will never be able to unite together as a Country and protect our citizens. This is because we will be too busy infighting and letting the terrorist win! Yes, those terrorist who hate anyone who is not an extremist like them love it when we fight. Its how they find an in road and make us weak.

Discrimination and prejudice also promotes unhealthy attitudes and does negatively impact the heart, as it does produce stress. It makes us angry, resentful, and very negative towards other people. It makes us haughty and very foolish. It makes us very egotistical. And, it is NOT Biblical and never was Biblical! I don't care what "bible" you follow, most religions do not support this foolish, unhealthy behavior. This world has no room for egotistical snobs, prejudice, racism, discrimination and other foolish attitudes. Stop the "oh she's just a commoner" practice! Kate deserves better than that! And yes, the rules of who is and is not a Princess SHOULD change, with marriage! Diana was considered by the world to be a Princess. Princess Diana. Kate will also be considered Princess Kate or Princess Catherine, as Prince William prefers. This whole nonsense of not being blue blood enough is Victorian, Georgian, and historical snobbism. End it now!

One whose concentrate was in Sociology, especially haves vs. have nots

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rant Warning! Rated G: The CPI is archaic and doesn't work!

 The CPI (Consumer Price Index) is STILL using LAST YEARS data to determine our FUTURE cost of living! I didn't get an increase LAST year either. Why? Same arrogant ignorant reasoning! This is an outdated formula that has never worked! Sure, going gluten free has made my noodle cost go through the roof by 75% more. Huge loss of income unless I switch to white rice. How many "caucausian" Americans do you know who LOVE eating rice everyday? Gas prices have gone up, or haven't they noticed? Food prices will go up in January, and not just for the newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease! And RENT ALWAYS goes up EVERY YEAR! Why? Landlords will ALWAYS give themselves a cost of living increase based on greed and never reality. Can I afford it? No! However, the Government is only one of the main reasons why I started Allergic Vegetarian   website. The Landlord was the other reason. And the third reason?