Monday, March 5, 2012
Dr. Oz's Guide to Creating Germs at Work and screwing over the Disabled
Dr. Oz had this very germy idea for the lazy girl's guide to exercise. Simply use someone else's toilet. Obviously, you wouldn't want to really sit on it, so you would just squat over it and then the obvious would happen making that toilet extremely gross and not useable by anyone else. Furthermore, because MOST people prefer the handicap toilet, we are going to have many people in wheelchairs without a toilet to use because Dr. Oz didn't care enough to encourage us to use the toilet properly. DR. OZ NEEDS TO GET A LIFE AND STOP DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THOSE WHO ARE LESS CAPABLE THEN HE IS!
We do not need yet another reason why those in wheelchairs can't use public facilities. We already insist on clogging their toilets - the only ones they can fit their wheelchairs into, in most cases. We already refuse to use the other toilets, and instead make those who need the handicap accessible toilet wait while we sit for several minutes as if they really do not need to be bothered with.
If the lazy girls are too lazy to take the stairs, then let them die because we in wheelchairs do not need them making our lives any more hellish then it already is! We deserve equal rights and that includes in the public facilities where most people don't give a darn about us!
Dr. Oz already refused to accommodate the JAWS user who does their own grocery shopping. His JPG image to bring with to the grocery store is NOT accessible for MANY DISABILITIES! What about those who need certain colours? What about those who use a special reader when they grocery shop? What about those who need it in a larger print? Dr. Oz is not informed on special needs of those with various disabilities. And, his web form receives millions of submissions in which those that need to be addressed goes ignored. This is why I post it here because eventually, my negative comments against Dr. Oz is going to be heard by someone in his organization and maybe I will be taken seriously!
Thanks for letting me rant!
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